Mahle Pressure Leaf Filters – Vertical

Mahle Pressure Leaf Filters – Vertical


New or used, we can find it for you! The Vertical Dry / Wet Cake Discharge Filters are the economical type of pressure leaf filter, they are equipped with vertical rectangular filter leaves that are mounted vertically and connected to a filtrate manifold at the bottom of the filter tank. Available with filter areas ranging from 2m2 to 85 m2.

This vertical pressure leaf filter is a pressure filter with a large specific filtration area due to the shape of the filter elements. In the edible oil industry it is used for several filtration steps, for example crude oil, bleaching earth and micella filtration. Mahle (Amafiltergroup/LFC) has been building these filters for more than 60 years. The MVDCD range incorporates several product improvements making the design state of the art. The double sided filter leaves are made from stainless steel. The rigid filter leaves have five layers of stainless steel wire screen. The top layer of screen depends on the application. The filter leaves are individually mounted on the central manifold, which allows the removal of any or all of the filter leaves easily and quickly. The filter cake can be dried with compressed air, inert gas or steam. The cake is discharged by a pneumatic vibrator, through a large butterfly valve.


Número de StockN009107