French Cracking Mill

French Cracking Mill


New or used, we can find it for you! The French Cracking Mills have a worldwide reputation for superior performance during a quarter century of service in a wide range of oilseed crushing applications with a reliable design and performance at a higher capacity. Heavy-duty self-aligning spherical roller bearing assemblies with chilled iron corrugated rolls that are removable from front for easy replacement. The frame consists of two (2) cast iron end stands with steel plate front and rear panels, a pair of polyester fiberglass meal guards on ends of rolls to prevent short-circuiting of material over the ends of rolls with a set of deflector plates to direct the cracks falling from the top rolls into the nip of the bottom rolls; V-belt differential drive with adjustable idler sheaves and guards with either roll-type feeder or vibratory-type feeder.


Número de StockN009041