Anderson Dry Extruders – DOX

Anderson Dry Extruders – DOX


New or used, we can find it for you! The Anderson DOX, Dry Expander is a continuous mechanical cooking device capable of full cooking whole or dehulled soybeans in 20-30 seconds. It produces high quality full-fat soy meal through high temperature/short time cooking, inactivating urease enzyme and trypsin inhibitor. It shears soybean oil cells, thus increasing Expeller press extraction capacity to 200%, and allowing the production of controlled fat content soy meal providing a high quality soybean oil.

This expander accepts whole or dehulled, cracked or ground soybeans through continuous feed, and mechanically works the material within its barrel. The shaft design with high RPM speed and barrel design provide the necessary shear and temperature to fully cook the soybean and liberate oil from their cells.


Número de StockN009106