Impco Sunflower Seed Dehulling Equip

Impco Sunflower Seed Dehulling Equip


New or used, we can find it for you! The Impco Decorticator was the first to envision and implement the modern twin-roll hulling design since 1962. First to incorporate a decorticator with a basket beater and high speed separation. First to successfully process undelinted cottonseed with lowest kernel with hull. Highest Capacity per meter width of twin roll drum. Replaceable cutting surface on decorticator roll will process the highest tonnage at the lowest cost. Two removable Basket Beater Trays provided for ease of processing multiple oil seeds such as cottonseed delinted / undelinted, sunflower, soybean and groundnut etc. Three hull aspiration ducts allows for maximized hull removal and meat purification to obtain desired protein.


Número de StockN009097