Bliss Counterflow Coolers

Bliss Counterflow Coolers


New or used, we can find it for you! The Opposite Flow or Counterflow process is the refined technology of exposing processed product to an upward moving stream of ambient airflow. As the air rises through the product, it is warmed, increasing the moisture carrying capability of the air. The product just entering at the top of the cooling chamber is exposed to the warmest air available within the cooler minimizing temperature shock. The product exiting the bottom of the unit is cooled to within 5-10° of the ambient air temperature. The product and air have “opposite flows”. The gradual heat transfer greatly enhances the product quality and reduces stressing and fines. The circular design enables product to be evenly distributed throughout the unit, increasing cooling uniformity and the round design eliminates all poorly filled corners. The “Simple Excellence” of the OP>


Número de StockN009092
MaterialAnimal Feed, Oilseed